You're Busy? WHAT Are You Busy Doing?

It’s not enough to be busy, so are the ants.The question is, what are we busy about? (Henry David Thoreau)
Spring is on the horizon, and everyone seems to sense it! Everywhere I look, I see busyness. A quick look out of my window and I see neighbors taking part in spring cleaning rituals, exercising outdoors and taking kids to spring sports training. The animals and insects know it, too. Birds are frantically flying back and forth between the trees in my backyard, squawking loudly at each other over what I imagine is a bid for the best real estate. And, tiny ants are busy looking for a good meal (and unfortunately think my kitchen would be a nice place to grab some dinner for their families)! These creatures obviously have a purpose for their busyness and it has to do with surviving and thriving. So, this made me wonder, what about in business? Are you busy? Or, to be more direct: What are you busy doing? I ask this because people often tell me that they are busy, even when they are not at all productive...when it appears that the majority of their time they busy themselves with unnecessary tasks or stretch simple tasks out to cover their time so they can FEEL busy. They do this to justify not taking on more difficult tasks...the ones that would take them well beyond surviving and allow them to really experience thriving. If you feel that you are constantly running around in an endless cycle of doing, without real productivity or growth to show for it, I hope that you will take the time to step back and consider if WHAT you are doing is worthy of your time and energy. Does it help you survive? Does it help you thrive? Would the person you are working to become spend time doing it? Look, busy is good. Just make sure the activities that are keeping you busy pass the litmus test of being aligned with your vision! Some absolutely will take time before you see results, and that is fine. In fact, the worthwhile things usually do take time! Hang in there. However, if you realize that you are busy only for the sake of being busy, spending way too much time on things with little to no value, it's time to make some changes. What is it that you really need to get busy DOING in order to experience BEING the person you are aiming to fully BECOME? |